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Best Personal Finance Books for 2020

Best Personal Finance Books for 2020

By JW Rayhons

Well 2020 sure has been different than any other year we’ve experienced! 

Yet, some things tend not to change. And, if you want to put yourself in a position to handle future unexpected challenges AS WELL AS capture the opportunities created from those challenges, then here are some books to read. But, don’t just read them; study them and put their teachings into practice.  

The 10 Laws of Wealth & Abundance by Ron Willingham

A read many “non-financial” people say they find themselves not being able to put down. You’ll get lost in the story, but apply the “laws” beyond just your finances. 

The Millionaire Woman Next Door by Thomas Stanley, PhD.

Ever wonder how women succeed financially? Study the research from Dr. Thomas Stanley and his team. 

Atomic Habits by James Clear

Why is a habit book on the list of financial books?! Change your habits; change your life. 

Stop Acting Rich and Start Living Like a Millionaire by Thomas Stanley, PhD

There’s a difference in how “rich” people handle their money and how “wealthy” people do. Which are you and which do you want to be?

Think & Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill

A classic not to be underestimated in how applicable the principles are today. 


There’s more to life than money! The Rayhons Financial family are professionals that want to help you. Connect with us for an initial conversation, call us at (480) 507-2425 or contact us online. We’d love to meet you.      

 The content in this article was prepared by the article’s author. Cetera Advisor Networks, LLC does not endorse its content, and the views expressed may not necessarily reflect those held by Cetera Advisor Networks, LLC.