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Impact of Inflation on Your Money: Protecting Your Wealth

Impact of Inflation on Your Money: Protecting Your Wealth

By Mark Boykin


Inflation, a general increase in prices over time, can weaken your money's purchasing power. This blog aims to explore how inflation affects your finances and offers practical ways to safeguard and grow your wealth.

Understanding Inflation's Impact:

What is Inflation?

Inflation means your money buys less as the price of goods goes up.

Effects on Your Finances

  • Buying Power Decline: Prices can rise faster than your money can grow, reducing your purchasing power.
  • Savings and Investments: If they don't grow enough, inflation can eat away at their value.
  • Debts: Fixed-rate loans may become cheaper, but adjustable rates could cost more.

Strategies to Protect Your Wealth:

1. Invest in Assets That Beat Inflation
Put money into things that tend to grow faster than prices:

  • Stocks: Can increase in value over time, outpacing inflation.
  • Real Estate: Property values and rent often rise with inflation.
  • Commodities: Metals (Gold, Silver) or energy can keep or increase their value.

 2. Spread Out Your Money
Don't put everything in one place:

  • Bonds: Spread them out over time to handle interest changes. 
  • Global Investments: Diversify to deal with different inflation rates.

3. Use Investments Tied to Inflation
Try money tools that change with inflation:

  • TIPS (Treasury Inflation-Protected Securities): Government bonds that go up with inflation.
  • Inflation-Adjusted Pensions: Pay more as prices rise.

4. Keep Your Balance and Check In
Look at your money plan often:

  • Mix of Money: Change what you invest in when inflation goes up.
  • Money for Emergencies: Keep cash on hand for things you don’t expect.
  • Review your budget: If you don't have a budget, it's time to create one.

5. Make More Money
Find ways to earn more to fight inflation:

  • Learn More: Get skills that help you earn more.
  • Side Jobs: Do more work or start a business to get extra money.

6. Watch the Money News
Stay on top of what’s happening:

  • Inflation Updates: Read and think about how it might change your plans and those around you.
  • Be Ready to Change: Make new money plans as things in the world change, be ready for challenges as well as opportunities.


Protecting your money from inflation means planning and having smart financial insight. Picking investments that grow faster than prices, spreading out where your money goes, and using tools that change with inflation are all positive trends to get ahead. While checking your money plan often, attempting to earn more, and keeping up with money news can keep your buying power strong. These beginning steps will help you make sure your money stays safe and offer a sound footing for more stable growth over time, no matter what prices do.  

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The content in this article was prepared by the article’s author. Cetera Advisor Networks, LLC does not endorse its content, and the views expressed may not necessarily reflect those held by Cetera Advisor Networks, LLC.

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